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The Power of Being…

Yesterday, I attended a Stress Management training.  It was challenging for me.  The first thing the trainer instructed was for us to put our phones away.  She didn’t say place them on vibrate LOL She said to put them away.  Just that fast, I was thinking to myself oh noooo, I need my phone.  Why do I need to put my phone away to talk about stress? Problem number one!  Being so dependent on the phone that you can’t even take a moment to invest in yourself! Maybe I need to re-read my own book again, “Perfect Patty Messed Up!”

Problem number two!  How can you learn something new, when your distracted by other things.  Sometimes, its not about being able to multi task, but its about being present.  When you are distracted you are not 100% present.  I am learning that just showing up is not enough.  Just saying I am here is not enough.  There are times when people need and depend on your energy, and your input.  You and I are a powerful force, but when we are pulled mentally and emotionally how can we pour our best into something or someone?

In this month of November, we are going to take a much needed look at ourselves.  In the training, we did an exercise where we had to listen to someone and be fully present without saying a word, or having any outside distractions.  It was powerful because not only did you have to listen, but also learn to receive and appreciate someone else’s story.  When the training concluded, I was much more relaxed in my entire body.  I was much more aware of my senses, even to the foods I ate that day. 

This week, I want you to take time to be present.  Learn how to sit and feel.  Learn how to listen and receive, and learn how to give fully of yourself (mind, body and soul) without distractions. You will began to see beauty in the simple things, and value how precious time really is. 

Live Life On The Promise Of Impact! Carenda Deonne – Your #1 Change Agent

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