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Tap Into the Limitless Supply of God!

Welcome August! I wanted to take a moment and share a message from Dr. Bill Winston. When I received this letter, it truly blessed me, and I pray it will do the same for you. I want to highlight several things throughout the letter that is sure to build your faith. The foundation scripture is found in Isaiah 57:15. The Message Bible States, “A message from the high and towering God, who lives in Eternity, whose name is Holy: “I live in the high and holy places, but also with the low spirited, the spirit-crushed, And what I do is put a new spirit in them, get them up and on their feet again.”

Dr. Bill Winston opens the letter by stating, “Eternity is not how long you live as some have thought. It Is the realm of the supernatural; where the laws of time, space and matter are no longer the boundaries of the believer. We the church, are living in eternal life NOW, not when we go to heaven. When we get a revelation of this, working miracles become as normal as breathing air.” Wow! I have to say, when I read this for the first time, I had to take a seat and ask God to widen my understanding. As I continued reading the letter things started becoming clearer. Let’s go a little deeper

Dr. Bill Winston continues to say, “Jesus was constantly showing his disciples that they could live this eternal life Right NOW…living above the natural laws of this earth. Through faith, they could operate from this higher realm by supernaturally turning water into wine, walking on water, speaking to storms, cursing unfruitful fig trees, healing the sick, and even raising the dead-instantly. When we access eternity by faith, we are empowered to command this planet and everything in it to line up with Heaven’s original blueprint.” I don’t know about you, but wow that was a powerful revelation for me. Do you recognize that there is an original blueprint from Heaven that will cause the earth and everything in it to come into alignment when we walk in our God given authority, by FAITH!

When the disciples walked in this authority, Heaven’s blueprint was manifested on earth through the manifestation of walking on water, healing the sick, raising the dead, etc. It made me think are we really walking in the authority that God has given us? Reference John 14:12 when Jesus told the disciples, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” Dr. Bill Winston went on to say, “The earth we to be a copy of heaven. It is waiting to hear the commands of its Creator through his designated agents, the sons of God, which are you and me.” Please reference Matthew 6:10 “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” My goodness, this is a revelation that we must take time to process. If we only depend on and operate from the earth’s supply, we will be limited. However, if we access by FAITH God’s supply through heaven, we are limitless!

In summary, Dr. Bill Winston expresses that we must understand that faith rules over time. He states, “Your faith now dictates the time and the desired outcome of what you will have and when you have it.” He goes on to say, “You can’t see time and get a miracle. Our life is no longer to be governed by the laws and limitations of the earth but by the laws and limitless supply of the Kingdom of Heaven.” I hope you would agree with me that it is time for us to tap into the limitless supply of God, consistently!

In addition to understanding that faith rules over time, Dr. Bill Winston also expresses that we must renew our mind, and trust that the world needs us. He states, “A key to unlocking the supernatural and living in eternity now is that you must first know who you are and your purpose for being here.” I agree with Dr. Bill Winston when he said, “You are a distributor if the solutions and provision that God has already laid up in heaven for the earth and suffering humanity.” I hope you hear me; Heaven has the blueprint! Heaven is not in kayos or disarray trying to figure out what’s next, what’s new or what’s coming. For heaven, its already settled. Its time for us to stop limiting ourselves through the limitations of this world, but with confidence access the limitless supply of God by walking in our God given authority, by FAITH! I don’t know about you, but I am ready to walk in the limitless supply of God – NOW! This is a great time to give God thanks, that Heaven has the blueprint, and that blueprint will NOT fail us!

Walking in the Ezra Anointing,

Min. Carenda Deonne


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